V zadnjih zdihljajih poletnih počitnic so nekateri učenci že prestopili šolski prag, saj so na poletni delavnici English in Action pod vodstvom naravnega govorca Richarda Signeya izpopolnjevali svoj govor in znanje angleščine.
On the first day, there were disagreements among us students, namely in which classroom we have lessons. We decided betweem classrooms 54, 45 and 61. We found out that we had lessons in the one and only classroom 46, where we got to know the new teacher. We got workbooks made English in Action. Then we learned English in a game style and talked about clothes, favourite colours, animals and names. After that hour we had a snack: bread, honey, jam and butter, and we drank tea. The next lessons were held in an outdoor classroom. Outside, we worked in groups on our projects, which were to be presented on the last day. We dedicated the last hour to a joint show, which we would also present on the last day of this course.
Drugi dan smo se dobili v isti učilnici kot prvi dan. Takrat smo se učili o znamenitostih v Londonu (Tower bridge, London Eye, Big Ben …). Dobili smo zemljevide, na katerih smo morali označiti številko znamenitosti. Po drugi ure smo imeli malico: tuno, kruh in limonado. Nato smo igrali vislice, ki nam jih je pripravil naš učitelj. Vislice so bile o angleških pravilih in naključnih besedah. Četrto in peto uro smo imeli pouk zunaj, kjer smo zopet delali na naših projektih in na skupinskem showu. Show so bile različne oddaje, ki sta jih gledali »sestri«. Tisti dan smo se dogovarjali, katere oddaje bomo imeli v showu. Takrat smo se dogovorili za serijo Sponge Bob in intervju Luke Dončiča ter Messija.
On the third day, teacher Richard showed us pictures that were taken from close up and we had to try to figure out what was in the picture. We also did some exercises in the workbooks. For snack we had watermelon and mini croissants and we drank ice tea. He also showed us one video, where there was a murder and we wrote down where
the three suspects were (a maid, a butler, a wife). That’s how we found out that the murderer was a wife who was supposed to be »gardening«. As always, we spent the next few hours outside working on projects and the show. So we agreed that we would have Sponge Bob, the weather forecast, an interview between Dončič and Messi, a fashion show and finally a part of the Home alone film.
Četrti dan smo v delovnih zvezkih pisali o najslabšem in najboljšem dnevu v življenju. Nato smo se postavili v različne vrste in si na hrbet pisali črke, da so nastale različne besede v angleščini. Za malico smo imeli kruh, hrenovke in gorčico, pili pa smo čaj. Nato smo imeli še eno uro v učilnici, kjer smo se igrali igro, v kateri smo morali nasprotno stran zasliševati, kje so bili v času zločina, kaj so imeli oblečeno, kaj so jedli in kaj so po poklicu. Naslednji dve uri smo preživeli na prostem, kjer smo delali na projektih, jih izboljševali in dokončevali. Zadnjo uro smo spet posvetili showu, zato da smo odigrali nekaj točk, ki so del tega showa.
On the last day, we went to class with joy, because we knew that after the class and the show we would be able to enjoy the freedom without classes again. When we got to the classroom, we lined up again, but this time we whispered the letters to each other and the last one wrote them on the board. We drew a story about a bear and its meeting with a crocodile in the workbook according to the teacher’s narration. Then we had a snack – we got bread with sour cream and crackers, we drank tea. Finally, we went to the outdoor classroom, where we finished the project and our group show. We had a dress rehearsal for the show and then we went home to rest until our presentaton.
Ob pol petih smo se učenci zbrali v zunanji učilnici in si pripravili projekte, ki jih bomo pokazali učiteljem in družinam. Ob petih so družine in učitelji počasi napolnili tribune. Učenci smo pričeli s predstavitvami projektov in po vseh zanimivih delih oziroma projektih, smo začeli z našim showom. Po vseh »programih« smo naš show zaključili z bučnim aplavzom gledalcev. Učitelj nam je razdelil priznanja in lahko smo se raztepli naokoli.
Nika Avberšek, 8. b, in Zala Zajc, 7. c